Captain Henry Samuel Parsons
Capt Sam
Personal details
Gender : |
Date of Birth : |
Deceased Date : |
Country of Birth : |
Cayman Islands |
District : |
West Bay |
Locality : |
West Bay, Grand Cayman |
I nominate Captain Henry Samuel Parsons for the category of 'excelled at sea'. On the 26th of September, 1918 young Caymanian seaman, Henry Samuel Parsons, volunteered to serve in the war (see registration card). He eventually became a Lieutenant Commander in the Naval Reserves and during the war he fueled escorts in the Atlantic. He received a letter of commendation from the President (Harry S. Truman) for answering the call to serve his country.
Now, Captain Henry Samuel (known as 'Capt. Sam') Parsons, he received his American Citizenship papers in 1923 while he was working on a three-mast schooner owned by Whitney Bodden Brothers in Mobile, Alabama.
Years later, he went to Port Arthur Texas and shipped on the Tanker 'Alabama' and remained with the Texaco Company for 35 years of loyal service until he retired in 1961. At that time, he was Commadore of the Texaco fleet of oil tankers. Some of the ships he sailed on included the: Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma and California. His grandson, Mike Watts, recalls that he was especially thrilled to have worked on the Florida because it was a very high-tech ship for its time and that Capt. Sam Parsons was the first Captain of that ship.
In a letter written to Mr. Bertie Ebanks on July 4, 1987 his dear wife Adeline (Addie ' nee Ebanks) wrote: 'I feel that Grand Cayman can be proud of its men, for they sailed as able-bodied seamen, mates, captains or engineers until they reached retirement age.' She went on to name several that she recalled: Alston Bodden, Fred Tatum, Jim Watler, John Eden, Eden Thompson, James Howell, Calvin Washburn, John Edmund Parsons (brother of Capt. H.S. Parsons. Feb. 19,1905-Aug. 14, 1974), and David Vibert Parsons (brother of Captain H. Samuel Parsons who sailed with Gulf Oil Company. July 20, 1902-Oct. 9 1981).
Captain Sam had three brothers whose lives mirrored his in their seafaring accomplishments. Two are mentioned above. The third, was Thomas Farrington Parsons who lived in Hollywood Florida (Dec. 25, 1896- June 12, 1965).