
Service Details


I nominate FRANKLIN JERVIS for the Memorial Scroll because he made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE and lost his life at sea. He was on the ship, LONGMIRE, which went down in a bad hurricane on NOVEMBER 4, 1939 while enroute from the Bahamas to Jamaica. My understanding is that the crew was all Caymanians and all lives were lost, including Captain Dixon from Cayman Brac. I do not have a lot of information but I would think this is documented at the National Archive. FRANKLIN JERVIS's only child was born 6 weeks after his death. Her name is ANNE WINDMULLER and she was born on December 28, 1939; she never had the opportunity to meet her father! She lives abroad and asked me to make this submission on her behalf. Her telephone number is 516-678-0156. With regard to the requested references, I do not know of any person who is still living, who can verify or corroborate the information. This incident happened exactly 81 years ago but there are records of the LONGMIRE and the tragedy of the 1939 hurricane.




Franklin Jervis

Personal details

National Heroes Distinction Award : Pioneer,
Ports Visited:
Date of Birth : 4/Aug/1917
Deceased Date : 4/Nov/1939
Gender : Male
Country of Birth : Cayman Islands
District : Cayman Brac
Area : Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands