
Service Details


Started his sea career on the schooner, Re Lydia Wilson, with his father to the mosquito cays, turtle fishing during summer holidays. After completing school in West Bay, attended the old Cayman High School. In 1953 was sponsored by his brother to get a student Visa to attend school in the USA. He attended and graduated from Arasmus High, Brooklyn NY and then attended Martitime School in NY to continue his studies. After completing Maritime school, joined the Navy as a Reservist and volunteered for Submarine service. Attended Submarine school in New London, Conneticut and was accepted and continued in the Reserve for the required time. In 1958 continued his maritime career, starting as Quarter Master and continued on to Captain after years of service and employment with various companies. 1966-1968 Employed with Millitary Sealift Command in the Vietnam area, supporting the US forces and also delivering fuel and other supplies to the US Scientific and Research Team at McMurdo Sound Antarctica, South Polar Region. After many years at sea decided to accept employment ashore with Gulf Atlantic Transport as Port Captain, Vice President of Operations and promoted to President as the Chairman and President retired. In 1994 decided to retire, return to Cayman and joined the Cayman Islands Seafarers' Association. 1998 He was instrumental in starting the restoration of the Cayman Cat Boat program. Early 2000, lobbyed the C.I. Government to get the same payment and insurance benefits for Seamen as were given to the Veterans' Association and others. These efforts were successful and continues on today.




Captain Floyd Ashton De Osca

Personal details

Date of Birth : 21/Feb/1938
Gender : Male
Country of Birth : Cayman Islands
District : West Bay
Area : West Bay, Grand Cayman