Brenton Samuel Parsons
Personal details
Gender : |
Date of Birth : |
Deceased Date : |
Country of Birth : |
Cayman Islands |
District : |
West Bay |
Locality : |
West Bay, Grand Cayman |
on Kia Ora Vessel
as Able Bodied Seaman (AB).
He was on the KIAORA in March of 1955
on Bulktrader Vessel
as Bosun.
He was on the Bulk Trader in November of 1956
300 words cannot describe a husband and father as his family receives the tragic news of his death. Samuel Brenton Parsons was born on January 31, 1924 and on May, 1952 obtained his 'Able Seaman-Any-Waters-Unlimited' papers. From then until his death, he went to sea to support his growing family in West Bay. On May 12, 1960, news was received that there was an explosion on The Bulk Oil, on which my dad was Bosun; that he was missing and two others had died. My mother's wailing will never be forgotten when the next day it was confirmed that he had perished while working overtime and hadn't even gone to dinner. His remains had been identified by his teeth and his bible. To spare her daughters the awful experience of seeing the condition his remains were in, my mother decided to have them buried in France. In 2006, after some research, members of the family visited The Kerfautras Cemetery in Brest, France. Although the cemetery was quite breathtaking, it was very disappointing that the grave was just a patch of red soil. They proceeded to make it look better by laying some white stones, a small potted plant, a beautiful plaque engraved with his name, date of birth and death, a lighthouse, sun, ocean and a catboat. They thought 'how fitting is that for a seafarer from the Cayman Islands'. A final resting place for a wonderful husband and father, who like so many others, worked hard to support their families and build up the Cayman Islands. From the archives in Brest, articles were found about the explosion in which three were killed including Mr. Wardley Conolly and a young German man. My father deserves this Memorial Scroll for working hard to support his family and unfortunately losing his life.