
Service Details


I nominate my Father, William Crosby Ebanks (deceased)of 16 Reverand Blackman Road, West Bay. He owned and operated a small sailinag vessel ( The Gravina) which travelled mainly from Cayman to Cuba. taking people for medical treatment/procedures and surgeries prior to the 1940s. It was a fast saling vessel and could do the trip in about 24 hours. It was known as the 'air ambulance" of its day. Gay Bothwell of West Bay was one of the passengers who went for medical treatment along with Francine Jackson and the late Bessy Ebanks of Boltins, West Bay. The provisions/ mercahndise stocked the shops in West Bay during WW11 when Cayman was desperate. The entire history of the Gravin and its contributions can be found in the Cayman Islands Archives. For more information , call the nominee Ora Hollebon 925 5531




Captain William Crosby Ebanks

Personal details

Date of Birth : 17/Sep/1885
Deceased Date : 24/Mar/1965
Gender : Male
Country of Birth : Cayman Islands
District : West Bay
Area : West Bay, Grand Cayman