Vendryes Cornwall
Personal details
Gender : |
Date of Birth : |
Deceased Date : |
Country of Birth : |
Cayman Islands |
District : |
West Bay |
Locality : |
West Bay, Grand Cayman |
We nominate the above-mentioned person, Vendryes Rev Cornwall (better known as "Rev"), our father, for the Pioneer's Award because of his instrumental contribution as a seafarer in helping to build the foundation of our Islands and the local economy through the allotments he sent home to support his family while he was at sea. Additionally, during his tenure, he excelled in his profession and advanced from 2nd Cook to Chief Cook because of his strong work ethic, resilience, and determination.
At an early age, Vendryes joined the National Bulk Carriers and later, a Canadian shipping company. Two of the ships he sailed on were the Imperial St. Lawrence and Marcona Conveyor. Despite the many hardships and perils of the sea, upon reflection of his experiences as a seafarer, Vendryes always acknowledged that these experiences while sailing around the world, gave him a greater understanding of work and life, which he said helped shape him into the man he was.
In light of the foregoing, we feel honoured and consider it a privilege to nominate our father for this award.