
Service Details



You can define a seafarer as literally being someone who is employed to serve aboard any type of marine vessel. This usually refers to active seafaring workers, but can be used to describe a person with a long history of serving within the profession.

This may sound like a simple definition, but delving further into the profession will reveal a plethora of service types and roles that individual seafarers can play in their line of work.

The work that seafarers do is often under-appreciated by the majority, and their working conditions vary. Read on to learn more about the 1.89 million international seafarers worldwide and discover just why they are so important in helping to maintain our way of life.


Roy Rogers Scott

Personal details

Date of Birth : 1/Jan/1965
Deceased Date : 1/Jan/2018
Country of Birth : Cayman Islands
District : Bodden Town
Area : Blossom Village, Little Cayman