Robert Harley Rivers
Personal details
Gender : |
Date of Birth : |
Deceased Date : |
Country of Birth : |
Cayman Islands |
District : |
West Bay |
Locality : |
West Bay, Grand Cayman |
Turtling Career ~ January 8, 1928, sailed to Mosquito Cay. On that trip he was on a 400 foot around cay called Mehagan with another man, the man's wife and baby. On that trip he was supervised by the woman and experience was not good for him at that age. That trip netted no cash.
Employers ~ Capt. T.W. Farrington (The Wilson); Capt. Allie O. Ebanks (The Adams); United Fruit Company (1944-1948), cook. Most of the time was spent on the Adams from 1936-1944 and again from 1953-1956, when he retired from turtling, with experience in ranging, turtling, navigating, net knitting and much experience about the sea. This did not end his career on the sea. He spearfished for fish and lobster to sell to the Galleon Beach Hotel. Once again, because of his love of the sea, he started up a 'fishing bait' business out of his home. Using his cast net, he caught sprats and sold them. He had to give up his seaman's life about the age of 80 for safety reasons. He was happiest when he was on the water.
Summary ~ Dr. Philip Pedley sought the knowledge of Harley Rivers to provide school children with information about Caymanian people and the seaman's life. Through the years, Harley was called to the high schools for his sea stories and demonstrations of net knitting and thatch roofing talent. He was pleased to tell his friends he now had a high school education and even taught there as a substitute teacher.
Life at sea was dangerous, but I think he would have done it all over again.