Robert Carl Banks
Personal details
Gender : |
Date of Birth : |
Country of Birth : |
Cayman Islands |
District : |
West Bay |
Locality : |
West Bay, Grand Cayman |
I nominate my father, Mr. Robert (Bobby) Banks for the Pioneer award in Seafaring, as he served over 40 years, from 1951 - 1998.
He lived in Boggy Sands, West Bay, and first went to sea in 1951 at the age of 17. As an 'Apprentice Seaman', he started sailing on Merren's M.V. Merco. He then went on to Jacksonville, Fl, and got a job as 'Messman' on the S.S. Santa Patricia where they hauled bananas from Central America to Florida. It was there, he met fellow Caymanian, Mr. Paul Hurlston who was Chief Mate, and the Captain was Mr. Allanoy Bodden (who was Bobby's uncle).
Following, he got a job as 'Able Seaman' with "Suwanee Steam Ship Co". on the M.V. Empire State. This hauled gypsum rock from Nova Scotia to Rockland, Maine. Many of this crew were from also West Bay, and also a gentleman from Bodden Town, he recalled. This ship ran aground and was abandoned in Walton, Nova Scotia; but the company brought the crew back to New York and Bobby then went to work with "National Bulk Carriers". He was assigned to S.S. Bulk Star and made trips to Beirut, Lebanon and to Sumatra, Indonesia. He survived many storms and hurricanes, with water coming through portholes, but also enjoyed good weather on his travels.
Next, he sailed on U.S. flag ship 'S.S. Florida', which carried passengers between Miami and Havana. Subsequent to these jobs and sailings, he sailed on an additional 37 ships and traveled the globe from freezing Alaska, to tropical Borneo; and from Russia to the Southernmost tip of Chile. He performed many duties, from carrying turtles to Kingston to butcher and ship to England; to transporting passengers and/or goods like bananas.
During his seafaring life, his highest rank achieved was 'Bosun'. Though away from his family, he always worked hard and endured the sailor's life. Bobby sailed the world for over 40 years on over 40 different ships, with his longest stint of 11 months & 28 days without coming ashore.
I am blessed and honored to nominate Mr. Robert (Bobby) Banks for the Pioneer award in seafaring.