
Service Details


I nominate Richard Kennedy Ebanks because as a young man of only 17 years of age, he went to sea like many other Caymanian young men. He was sent firstly to Japan crossing the International Date Line to join a ship as directed by the local shipping office here in Cayman. I am awaiting more details on the ships which he sailed on as Kennedy now lives in Florida where he has resided since the late 1960's. Our father died on his last voyage at sea in 1960 and the sad news of our father's death was given to him by the Captain of his ship. Kennedy returned home to support our mother and his four sisters in their grief returning to sea a few weeks after for several more years. He married his wife Alice in 1961 but due to the long absences at sea he eventually decided to move with his young family to Florida where he worked for Belcher oil for 25 years. He was eventually promoted to head up the ship to shore refueling of cruise and other ships in the port of Fort Lauderdale. Although now in his early 80's Kennedy vividly remembers his sailing days . He takes great pride in keeping in touch with former seamen.




Richard Kennedy Ebanks

Personal details

Nickname : Ken
Date of Birth : 5/Jan/1939
Gender : Male
Country of Birth : Cayman Islands
District : West Bay
Area : West Bay, Grand Cayman