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Mr Raymond has been "guarding" the seas from as long as I can remember. Day and night he lived and breathed the VHF controls, either from his radio control tower or travelling around the island with his handheld. I recall hearing him over the radio many times when I was in the dive boats with my father as a young boy and now as I compete in fishing tournaments or enjoy leisure time in my own personal boat. He would communicate with the passing vessels and local fisherman/women. You can always count on him for a radio check when needed. He speaks a great number of languages which he has picked up over the years communicating with ship personnel of various nationalities. He has become a wealth of information for the islands and has served as a Lloyds of London Shipping Advisor. At night he frequents the lighthouse to catch a glimpse of far off vessels with his high-powered binoculars in hopes of communicating with them. Raymond has assisted with the coordination of several at sea rescues, assisted in "piloting" cruise ship on their short stops in Cayman Brac. Whenever there was/is a distress call he would rally together whatever agencies needed to be on alert, communicate with any persons near by including far off vessels that he could manage to reach to ensure the safety of all. He is very knowledgeable in our waters and is often heard on the various radio stations with updates and factual information on the islands' past and present seafaring legacies. In paying respect to our seafearers, he always calls on passing vessels to do a horn salute, which is very much appreciated by the affected families and obliged by the ships involved. I am proud to nominate Mr Raymond I. Scott of West End, Cayman Brac for the 2021 National Heroes Day Awards in the category of Friends of Seafarers. Mr Scott has been involved in numerous sea rescues and on multiple occasions brought in ships to blow the horns in honour of seamen and on special days like the Queen's Birthday. He has served as a radio contact for fishing tournaments and assisted as pilot for visiting cruise ships to Cayman Brac. He also worked for Lloyds of London and continues to do this on a daily basis.




Raymond Irvin Scott

Personal details

Date of Birth : 9/Nov/1962
Gender : Male
Country of Birth : Cayman Islands
District : Cayman Brac
Area : Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands