Mr Scott has been involved in numerous sea rescues and on multiple occasions brought in ships to blow the horns in honour of seamen and on special days like the Queen's Birthday. He has served as a radio contact for fishing tournaments and assisted as pilot for visiting cruise ships to Cayman Brac. He also worked for Lloyds of London and continues to do this on a daily basis.
Locals recognized by Rotary for job well done
(Rotary): Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Central last week recognized
two outstanding Caymanians for their contribution to their vocations.
The annual Vocational Service Award recognizes those individuals who
have gone above and beyond on what has been required in their
vocations. Recognized at the weekly Rotary Central meeting were Police
Officer Miguel McFarlane andshipping advisor Raymond Scott. Officer
McFarlane is well known to all Caymanians and businesses of Central
George Town and along the waterfront. His pleasant smile and
willingness to help anyone who looks for any kind of assistance.
"When I joined the Police it was not for the money or positon, I joined because I truly saw a
way of helping my community in a constructive way", said Officer McFarlane as he humbly
accepted his Award from President Larry Tibbetts. "I thank Rotary Central for the very nice
andkind recognition that you have given me” said Officer McFarlane. Police Commissioner
Baines who was also in attendance spoke highly of Officer McFarlane. “Officer Miguel
McFarlane optimizes the highest qualities of a police officer and is truly loved by the entire
community of the Cayman Islands” noted Commissioner Baines.
Raymond Scott may not be visibly recognizable as Officer McFarlane, but his voice is
certainly known if you listen to any of the talk shows. Mr. Scott is the Sub-Agent for Lloyds of
London for Cayman Brac & Little Cayman and Cayman Shipping Advisor. “I started as a
shipping advisor at the age of 15; during my career I have been involved in over 100 rescues
at sea,” he said. “This has included ships on fire, distress, and so on, and I have never gotten
paid for it. I do this because I love being able to help others and keeping alive the seafaring
traditions of Cayman”
Both awardees were nominated by Rotarian Kent Eldermire, a member of Rotary Central.