Like many young men of years ago, it was probably destined that they would go to sea due to the limited opportunities to find employment here in the island at that time and my uncle Ransford, like his other male siblings there was not much alternatives. From a very young age the nominee left these islands to seek employment and was employed by National Bulk Carriers and sail for quite some time. Upon his retirement from sea he began working with Bodden & Bodden Development at a quarry where he eventually became one, if not, the first Caymanian to become a certified explosives blaster where he continued working until his retirement. Uncle Ransford is a devote Christian and is a member of the Robert Young Memorial Church and a member of the Cayman Male Voice Choir. He is a person who is always willing to help those in need when and however he can and it would be a honor for him to be considered for an award.
Like many young men of years ago, it was probably destined that they would go to sea due to the limited opportunities to find employment here in the island at that time and my uncle Ransford, like his other male siblings there was not much alternatives. From a very young age the nominee left these islands to seek employment and was employed by National Bulk Carriers and sail for quite some time. Upon his retirement from sea he began working with Bodden & Bodden Development at a quarry where he eventually became one, if not, the first Caymanian to become a certified explosives blaster where he continued working until his retirement. Uncle Ransford is a devote Christian and is a member of the Robert Young Memorial Church and a member of the Cayman Male Voice Choir. He is a person who is always willing to help those in need when and however he can and it would be a honor for him to be considered for an award.