
Service Details

  • Ore Convey aka Cavala Vessel Conveyer Man period 30 Mar 1956 to 11 Sep 1956,

  • Ore Regent Vessel 4th Mate period 31 Oct 1956 to 22 Jan 1957,

  • Transpan Vessel 3rd Asst. Engineer period 11 Feb 1957 to 2 Jul 1957,

  • Ulysses Vessel 3rd Mate period 11 Jul 1957 to 7 Oct 1958,

  • Bulk Star Vessel 3rd Mate period 7 Oct 1958 to 31 Oct 1958,

  • Commonwealth/Pan Massachusetts Vessel 3rd Mate period 11 Apr 1959 to 13 Oct 1960,

  • Richard Vessel 2nd Mate period 26 Jan 1962 to 27 Oct 1962,

  • Petroemperor Vessel 2nd Mate period 8 Apr 1963 to 17 Oct 1963,

  • Truxton Vessel period 1947 to -,


Mr. Paul Adolph Hurlston life exemplifies our maritime heritage and is hereby nominated to the 2021 National Heroes Day Committee. Paul was born on January 11, 1931 and attended school in South Sound. In January 1946 at the age of 15 years he made his first sea voyage to Miskitos Keys to catch turtles. In 1947 he shipped out of Tampa, Fla. with Suwawnee Shipping on the M/V Truxton. In 1950 while on the M/V Santa Christana the ship burnt down 200 miles from Balboa Panama. He then when on to serve on many other ships of this company. In November 1955 while serving on the M/V Daytona he took ill and had to prematurely sign off: just seven days later this ship sunk in inclement weather taken all hands onboard with her including other Caymanians. In 1956 he joined National Bulk Carriers and sailed on many of their ships as 3rd and 2nd Mate until 1965. In 1966 he shipped out with West India Line and served on many of their ships as Chief Mate and Master. While with West India Line in 1974 and as Master of the M/V Inagua Sound he received orders to go to Chattanooga Tennessee via the Mississippi, Ohio and Tennessee Rivers to load a Nuclear Breeder Reactor for the US Government and transport it to Washington State on the Pacific coast. As this vessel was not US flagged, the US Congress had to waive the 1920 Jones Act to allow this; one of the few times this has ever occurred. In 1978 he was Master of the M/V Inagua Tide and loaded on the Great Lakes heavy equipment for Iran and upon arrival there to discharge he experienced the over-throw of the Shah's regime. Needless to say they had to sail from Iran with great haste to escape being detained. He notes that he sailed on all the Great Lakes except Lake Superior. He also did a stint in the offshore oil fields in northern Angola West Africa and when the civil war was ongoing close by. After some 43 years at sea and having advanced for Sailor to Master he decided to retire.




Captain Paul Adolph Hurlston

Personal details

National Heroes Distinction Award : Excelled at Sea, Turtling, Early Pioneer,
Ports Visited: Puerto Ordaz Venezuela Baltimore MD
Date of Birth : 11/Jan/1931
Gender : Male
Country of Birth : Cayman Islands
District : George Town
Area : George Town, Grand Cayman