
Service Details

  • Kia Ora Vessel 3rd Mate ,

    He was on the KIAORA in March of 1955


I nominate Mr. Arthur H. Ebanks as a pioneer seaman and scout leader. Seaman's career - 1945-1960 In July 1945 Arthur H. Ebanks began his career at sea on a supply vessel sailing along the coast of Panama. From 1945- 1954 he worked with the Suwanee Steam Ship Company of Jacksonville Florida, sailing first with Captain Willie Jackson of Newlands and later alongside his uncle Captain Thomas Cromwell, on the 'Bedlow' and the 'Rita'. Ambitious for promotion and to earn more, he studied for his Mates Licence through the Marine Board of Jamaica. On June 16, 1954, he passed the exam on his first sitting which was almost unheard of. Within months, he secured work with the Bernuth Lembecke Company Ltd. of New York. They expressed an interest in hiring more Caymanians for their vessels and Mr. Arthur was pleased to facilitate. Bernuth's Port Captain came to Cayman to recruit. On September 1st, 1954, a chartered LACSA plane carrying 29 male passengers flew from Cayman to Beaumount, Texas. On arrival, they joined the SS Kiaora. From then until he concluded his sailing career in 1960, Mr. Arthur sailed on lager tankers like the SS Kiaora as third mate/officer while occasionally acting for the chief officer. Scout Leader ' 1960- '' In 1960, Mr. Arthur, became the Assistant Scout Master of the West Bay Troop working with Rev. John Gray. He later went on to be Scout Master. Sea scouts were taught sailing, rowing and other sea-based skills. Scouting allowed him to pass on the military skills he had acquired from his years as a Corporal in the Home Guard and the sailing skills learned during his years as a seaman. He is remembered for his ability to teach knot tying. Several went on to excel in sailing in later years and one represented the Island in the Olympics (Carson Ebanks).




Arthur Harris Ebanks

Personal details

National Heroes Distinction Award : Seafaring,
Ports Visited: New York Las Piedras, Venezuela
Date of Birth : 1/Dec/1922
Deceased Date : 4/Sep/2005
Gender : Male
Country of Birth : Cayman Islands
District : West Bay
Area : West Bay, Grand Cayman