
Service Details

  • Bulk Oceanic Vessel Able Bodied Seaman (AB) period Jun 1951 to -,

  • Phoenix Vessel Able Bodied Seaman (AB) ,


Like many Caymanian males at the time, Mr. Brent Bush was a teenager when he set out to sea in the late 1940s. He first sailed on Dutch Lines and then transferred to National Bulk (see attachments). He continued sailing until the mid-1950s, when he married and started working in construction industry. Mr. Bush worked on such projects as the Galleon Beach Hotel and various district primary schools. However, he never lost his passion for the sea and ships. In 1976, his passion once again ignited, when he was hired by the newly established Port Authority. At that time, the Port Authority was in the middle of constructing a new world class port facility. Mr. Bush went to serve as Assistant Port Director - operations. He was responsible for overseeing cargo operations and equipment. During his tenure, the facility went from handling just over 32,000 tons of cargo in 1976 to over 133,000 in 1994 according government annual reports. His career at the Port lasted 18 years till he retired.




Andrew Brent Bush

Personal details

Date of Birth : 1/Mar/1931
Deceased Date : 30/Dec/2023
Gender : Male
Country of Birth : Cayman Islands
District : George Town
Area : George Town, Grand Cayman